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Join a Union

What is a Union?

Unions are teams of individuals coming together to guarantee the things you care about like decent wages, affordable health care, job security, safe and respectful workplaces, and fair scheduling.

Unions are democratic organizations and its leaders are elected by the membership.


Why do I need a union?

When you’re in a union, you have extra protections to improve your salary, working conditions and other issues that you don’t have going it alone. Because unions are democratic, you get a voice in what matters most to you. You and your co-workers work together to ensure you are treated well and paid a fair wage.

Do union workers get higher wages?

Yes. Workers who are union members earn 26.2 percent more than non-union workers. The difference is even greater for women and people of color. Women and African Americans represented by unions earn between 29.7 and 33.1 percent more than their non-union counterparts. And Latino workers with the union advantage make 47.1 percent more than those not represented by a union.

Do union workers get better benefits?

Yes. Union workers are more likely than their non-union counterparts to have access to health care and pension benefits. Ninety-five percent of union members have health insurance and a pension plan available — versus approximately 68 percent (health insurance) and 63 percent (pension) of those not in a union.

Why do I need a union now?

The gap between CEO pay and worker pay is at an all time high. The best way to fight for equality and your rights is to join or start a union. Together we can push back against billionaires exploiting us and get the pay, benefits and working conditions we deserve.

What is collective bargaining and how does it work?

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between employees and their employer over wages, working conditions, benefits, and other workplace issues.

A committee of your co-workers — chosen by you and your fellow union members — drafts an agreement known as a "union contract" on every issue of concern to our bargaining unit. The committee negotiates as equals with management.

Once the committee and management reach an agreement it is shared with you and your co-workers.

The majority of members must approve the agreement before it can become accepted as a contract.

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