After 3 long years, our advocacy work is finally paying off! BALC has been proud to stand with our local community organizations and unions as part of the Coalition for Self-Sufficiency Standard. As we fight together for a better future, and improving our local economy by bringing better wages to those most impacted. A minimum wage should be a living wage, and not require someone to have to get a second or third job, or have to apply for government benefits. We advocate for the dignity of all workers, and stand firm in our commitment to ensuring the minimum wage is adjusted to the reality of our economic conditions, especially since Boulder County is the one of the most expensive counties in the state of Colorado!
All of the major towns (Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, Erie) in Boulder County are now finally going through the finally states of evaluating city ordinances on whether or not to change minimum wage at a local level. Despite an economic analysis that confirms the economic benefits of increasing wages to the entire economy, the focus is still not on how this will lift people out of poverty. Now is the time to make sure your voice is heard. We urge everyone to call and write to your city council.
Call to Action!
Join your local community members at these specific city council meetings for maximum impact:
- Longmont - RSVP HERE August 27th
- Lafayette - RSVP HERE September 3rd
- Louisville - RSVP HERE September 10th
- Erie - TBD, email
Join our advocacy efforts by helping us write letters to the press, or join our advocacy meetings as we schedule them with city council members, sign up here.
Email or call your own council and share with them your own personal story on why you think this is critical for them to address. We encourage ALL community members to do this, regardless of what you might be paid, because we will ALL benefit when everybody can work with dignity and pride and be compensated correctly for their labor. Handy list of emails/phone numbers here.
Share this link with everyone you know and ask them to take 5 minutes to advocate for this campaign! Use, feel free to fill out yourself. Use our social media toolkit if you need help composing something to share.
If you only work in one of these towns, but don't live there (common scenario for Boulder), they should still hear from you!